Ulli Philipp, Christian Wolff, Wolfgang Preiss and Edda Seipel in »Eine ungeliebte Frau«, photo by: SWR-Archiv
Die Räuber
Südd. Rundfunk Stuttgart
director: Achim Kurz
costume design
Die Bettelprinzess
based on the novel of Hedwig Courths-Mahler
Südd. Rundfunk Stuttgart
director: Bruno Voges
main cast: Silvia Reize, Susanne Barth, Clara Walbroehl, Alexander Kerst, Michael Schwarzmaier, Else Quecke, Rainer Basedow
costume design
Die Kriegsbraut
based on the novel of Hedwig Courths-Mahler
set in the period of 1914
Südd. Rundfunk Stuttgart
writer and director:Tom Toelle
costume design
Eine ungeliebte Frau
based on the novel of Hedwig Courths-Mahler
set in the period of 1910
Südd. Rundfunk Stuttgart
writer and director: Tom Toelle
costume design